Devin Mesoraco’s wife Kira Mesoraco was married in 2014 and steadily got used to not seeing Devin as they were dating. It must have become apparent to her that Devin appreciates being with his family and spending time together when he told MLB.com how nice it was to see everyone after being on the road and playing so much baseball. Devin said something to the effect of “sitting around the fire with family and drinking hot chocolate is one of his favorite things.” That’s a nice sentiment to hear if you’re stuck at home waiting for him.
She posted a Vine back in 2013 that detailed her process of gussying up to see Devin for the first time in a month. Devin Mesoraco’s wife used to be Kira DeChurch, and they were married sometime in 2014. You get the sense of how little athlete couples see each other from the video. Pretty much the entirety of her Vine account was just reposted comedy videos, albeit classic ones. She’s certainly got a good sense of humor.
The couple now have a dog named Finn that they paid a professional photographer to take an extensive number of shots of. On this lady’s portfolio website, there’s like two pictures of the couple with Finn, and then a solid dozen shots of the dog sitting around chewing on a tennis ball. Maybe the couple called it quits and Finn said, “Hang on, I’m not done here, but you two go on inside and relax.” The couple also got to ride in a parade last year when Devin was named an All-Star. It’s a distinct honor being in a parade as the girlfriend or wife of an athlete. It definitely boosts the value of the guy in a woman’s eyes when he’s literally on display in the back of an official Cincinatti Reds pickup truck.