Each team in Genshin Impact has four different characters. You need different teams for different domains, challenges, and enemies. Check out this guide on how to equip different characters in Genshin Impact and switch your team in this game here.
I. How To Change Party Members In Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact has been available on mobile, PC, and PS4 platforms now. You need to do different actions to change the team members in these three versions. Here's the guide on how to switch party members and equip new characters in Genshin Impact mobile, PC, and PS4.
1. How to switch characters in Genshin Impact
To switch team members in Genshin Impact on PC, you need to open the game app on the PC. Make sure that you are not in combat. Then, follow these steps to switch party members and equip new characters in the Genshin Impact PC version.
- Open the in-game menu.
- Click on the Party Setup option in the Menu below your in-game profile.
- Point and click on the character you want to switch.
- When the character menu opens, click on the new character you want to equip and replace the character you have selected.
- Click on the Switch button to equip the new character.
Then, the old character that you selected will be replaced by the new one you chose. You can also click on the Quick Setup option to select four characters for your team. The order of characters selected will be the order of them in the team, from top to bottom.
The guidelines on how to change characters in Genshin Impact PS4 and how to switch characters in Genshin Impact Mobile are not different. It's also done in the in-game menu.
However, please keep in mind that you cannot open the Party Setup when you are in combat. In this situation, dash away and escape from enemies. You can use Teleport Waypoints to leave the fight right away.
2. How to equip different characters in Genshin Impact in Domains
You cannot change party members in the domain. The Party Setup must be done at the entrance of the domain. Before you enter the domain, you have a chance to select four party members for that domain challenge. Most domains suggest to you the elements you may need for that domain.
It's recommended to equip the best character with suggested elements to complete the domain challenges faster and more easily.
3. How to switch characters in Multiplayer mode
In the Multiplayer mode, each Genshin Impact player can only use two characters. The system will choose two characters at the first and second positions in the Party Setup to team up with two characters of the other players.
If you want to switch characters in your Party, also open the Party Setup and do the same steps. In addition, two players need to select the proper characters to make a powerful team.
How to change your Party members in Genshin Impact
II. How To Build A Strong Team In Genshin Impact
Before selecting characters for your Party, you should know how to build the strongest team in Genshin Impact. Here are some tips you need to know to build a powerful team in both single-player and multiplayer modes.
- Your team should include both main DPS fighters and supporters. The healer and sub-DPS roles are optional.
- It's better to have a Genshin healer in your team when doing Spiral Abyss domain challenges because you cannot consume food during this challenge.
- Build a team with different elements that can create the most powerful elemental reactions, such as Overloaded, Superconduct, and Electro-Charged, etc.
- Choose the main DPS character for your team and master him/her. You should build the DPS character to the maximum level. 5-star characters are better choices for the DPS role in your team. Genshin Impact players can choose one or two DPS characters in their team. It's necessary to build your Genshin Impact characters to make a strong team.
- Equip a character who can create the shield, especially Geo characters to defend when encountering big bosses with powerful blasts.
Keep in mind that each team has four characters. Therefore, you need to select characters wisely to have the best team. This guide on how to equip different characters in Genshin Impact will help beginners to get familiar with an important feature in this game.
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