Bruiser / Tank Difference Explained
Bruiser is a health base build that is trying to do damage with health in some way (worldbraker, overlord, bonsaw, beaserker ax, fire blossom, fist of razul, elafrost), or just based on items high on health and some damage stat (basilik, citadel, magnify, tainted septer, earthshaker, penubra).
To brake them you will need to go something like skyspliter or mutilator route or a high damage build that doesn’t need mutch pen.
Tank is a armor base build with health but also full physical and magical armor.
If there is no tanks in the team, enemy doesn’t need to go any pen items.
And if they don’t build pen they will basically just tickle the tanks with pre mitigated damige.
You basically need both in your team to make your enemy spend gold on devers range of items.
Important note
If you have a team that’s incredibly squishy and likes to stay at a range then I would say tank.
If you have a team that likes to dive I would say bruiser. Every match is situational though, you might need a high mobility tank to engage with a high mobility team comp.
You also might need someone who can sustain while doing a ton of damage if the enemy team is really tanky. I think that at the end of the day as long as you have either a tank or a bruiser you’ll most likely do fine.
Bruiser just means a character that needs to do damage to be achieve their tankiness.
Crunch with mutilator and a “bruiser build” is hard to kill, until he stops being able to out put damage (CC: stuns, silences, etc. gets spaced out. Barriers like dekker cage, rooted. Good spacing in general, after he blows dash(es)).
Khaimera is probably the most perfect example. Khai isn’t a tank. He’s a bruiser. Sure you could build him pure tank, but that’s almost worthless. To be relevant he has to damage you more than you can him. He can’t lose his passive stacks mid combat or he becomes pretty squishy.
A pure tank is like steel or riktor. They are just tanky, and they either initiate or disrupt fights.
They usually have more utility based options rather than damage options.
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